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Ayurveda Health & Wellbeing Sessions
A holistic approach to taking care of your mind, body and spirit.

This offering aims to educate, empower and guide you towards a life of health, vitality and joy, which in Ayurvedic belief is your birth-right. You'll be guided by a professional Ayurvedic Health Counsellor: the scope of practice will emphasis preventative healthcare, addressing imbalances and promoting health; regaining wellness on all levels: physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, energetically. This is an investment in YOU and your quality of life.


Regardless of your personal desires, health goals and visions for your future,  Ayurveda can offer you support on your journey there.

Herbal Treatment

This is not just Ayurvedic Health Counselling- this is a Feminine-Form Tantric Medicine approach. Drawing from the philosophies and life-affirming teachings of Women’s wisdom healing traditions as well as the traditional Ayurvedic medical science principles. This unique approach offers:


  • Embodied experiences with somatic awareness, helping cultivate an ever growing trusting  and expansive relationship with you and your body.

  • Looking at the WHOLE picture- your WHOLE life is considered.

  • Diving deep into root causes 

  • Visioning a life for yourself that brings optimum satisfaction, joy and pleasure

  • A fluid approach which allows each session to flow and change direction with ease 

  • A heart-centred container for getting quiet and listening to the whispering voice inside, be it your soul, your intuition, your higher self. 


The Masculine-form wisdom that comes in, is the structured part of assessment that gives us a valuable foundation of understanding you deeper. We use these assessment tools to determine your Vikruti (imbalances) and your estimated Prakruti ( your original blueprint of health). Your Vikruti and Prakruti is an assessment of the Dosha’s (Vata, Pitta , Kapha) at play in your life, which also give us a picture of the qualities of the elements (either, air, fire, water, earth) influencing you.


We also assess:

  • Your levels of stress.

  • Your state Ama ( toxic build up physically, emotionally and mentally)

  • Your Agni ( digestion and your metabolic fire responsible for transformation physically, emotionally, mentally)

  • Your state of Prana (life force energy)

  • Your state of Ojas ( your immunity, vitality, happiness, strength, glow, aura)

  • Your state of Tejas ( clarity of mind, focus)

  • Your state of Dhatu’s ( 7 layers of tissues: plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, nerves and reproductive tissues)


Not sure what Ayurveda is ? Learn a little more of the system here: read my blog post What is Ayurveda? A Basic- Run- Down

Anchor 1

We do not diagnose, cure or treat diseases.  


This is a unique program, holding at its highest  intention that optimum health, passion, pleasure and vitality can be experienced at any age, for any gender, for anyone, for everyone. An integrative approach that will support and compliment any existing medical journey you are on. This is not to replace any western medical treatment. 


Approaches may include: nutrition, lifestyle, meditation, psychospiritual approaches, pranayama (breathwork) emotional processing, health promoting herbal education, goal setting (sankalpa – hearts longings), Dharma work ( finding your divine purpose), Manifestation, cleansing protocol, advanced self-care, womb care, breast care, self-massage, designing personal routine and ritual, seasonal living, lunar living, mantra, Yoga asana (postures), exploring sacred sexuality, sleep protocols and so much more.


Each sessions is unique, just as everyone walking this planet is unique. The approaches vary vastly depending upon the individual, their goals, their history, their story, their imbalances/ symptoms and everything else we factor in. 


Book a free 20 minute Clarity call today to ask any questions and see if this is a healing journey you would like to commit to. 



What past clients have to say about Ayurveda Health and Wellbeing Coaching 


​Sarah’s Ayurvedic coaching has inspired me immensely.With subtle changes and adjustments to my lifestyle and diet, I feel so much more connected to my natural rhythms. Sarah’s meditations always send me to magical places but focussing them as part of the Ayurvedic coaching sessions meant that I connected with my true essence in order to make changes that were right for me personally. I highly recommend Sarah’s coaching to support your journey to bring your life back into a natural state of balance

Di- Ayurveda Health Counselling Client


I found the journey to be manageable and highly beneficial for my change of lifestyle when navigating a very busy schedule. This is something that I would like to continue with to make small, permanent changes to my daily routine. Highly recommended!

Nathalie- Ayurveda Health Counselling Client


I can not recommend the 121 time l had with Sarah enough. From the initial consultation through to the meditation and lifestyle recommendations. Sarah’s passion for your emotional and physical well-being is outstanding and was evident throughout and  continues after the session.  After working together l came away with a well-being routine that is manageable and l am continuing to work with. The knowledge and drive that Sarah shares with you to tailor a bespoke routine for your needs is excellent. An amazing experience and well worth it to get the results. 

Michelle- Well-being Coaching Client



Healthy assortment of yellow foods

The Process of Ayurveda Health and Wellbeing Sessions.


Curious about embarking upon a Ayurvedic and wellbeing healing journey to integrate your wholeness, embrace the fullness of your life, tending to your health and happiness? If you answered yes, I am SO pleased you are here. I will describe the process of the sessions in steps so you can get a clear understanding of what to expect. Plus the different options on offer. 


  1. I recommend making a 20 minute clarity call. This is an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together. Establishing expectation. Ask any questions. To get clear this is a path you want to commit to.  

  2. You will be sent an intake form. Answer as much or as little as you wish and send it back at least 48 hours before your first session. 

  3. Book your first appointment, this first session will be mainly be looking at your intake form and getting a crystal clear picture of you and your vision

  4. If you have chosen to do the Ayurveda Health Counselling I go away and write up a report. If you are on a Wellbeing journey you will be give some simple tasks to work on. I call these "love work".

  5. Book follow-up supportive Ayurvedic Health Wellbeing  sessions. Now the practitioner has a clear picture and at this stage you will have already began implementing some simple practices, we can build and develop the work together, working through steps and a journey to support you towards your goals. These sessions vary vastly depending upon the individual and their needs.

  6. The sessions are in your hands, meaning you might decide you need weekly support for 6 months or you might want to meet-up once a month for 12 months or just to check in seasonally. 



Get in touch to book a Clarity Call

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon. 

Prices and packages

Online rate // In person rate




Wellbeing Session 1 hour.

Working towards your goals and finding solutions to imbalances.   

50// 65



Ayurveda Health Counselling Start.

Intake form, initial consultation 90 mins, written report. No follow up sessions included, this is just a Ayurvedic assessment. 

110// 130



Pack of x4  1 hourSessions.

Continued support with your health and wellbeing.

 200// 240



*My practice of Ayurveda as a Ayurvedic Health Counsellor and Wellbeing Coach is an educational tool to help the client discover their version of good health. I offer support and guidance only. This level of Ayurveda does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or disease. None of these services are to replace medical treatment. It is an integrative and supportive modality of healing.

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